Monday, February 13, 2012


It's Valentines Day tomorrow... a day to celebrate Love.

The shopping for gifts and cards of days gone by has changed for me.  Don't get me wrong, the celebration of this day is no less important... But, the money spent on treats that sabatoge the New Year's health intention and  the decorations & cards that get thrown away just seem like an oxymoran to the celebration of "Love".

... and hearts, might we celebrate our hearts in the literal sense?  Keeping healthy hearts = self-love, right?

So, I decided to have a little fun creating my Valentines in my everyday routines and forget the shopping, money and cards this year.  Here is what happened over the weekend with this very thought in mind... (ok, so I did not totally adhere to a rigid health kick and found a few sweet and sugary "treats" around the house!)

It started with the cookie cutter I used to make some rolled oatmeal cookies for the Grandkids:

Then proceeded to the breakfast arena, Toast, then French Toast and some cinnamon Toast the way my Mom used to make, where you broil the buttery, sugary topping on the toast!

More and more hearts started appearing throughout the day!
I went for a walk with hearts on my mind on a cloudy, stormy day mixed with sunshine.  This heart jumped out at me and I almost missed it with my camera! It moved and changed so fast!

Walnut Orchard - Central Valley, CA

On to lunch and suppertimes, the hearts continued with little creative tasks inspired by Love....
Potato Salad
Meatloaf - Done!
ready for the oven

Inspiration continued as I started texting my Girlfriend my little Heart displays -

My Valentines are my wishes for us all to find hearts everywhere we look... and to keep our Hearts full of LOVE

Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fresh Fruit Presentation!

Fresh Fruit
Credit Bridget Beashbum for putting this photograph up on a FaceBook Post!  Still looking for the origianl photographer/creator for  proper credits.